Survey: What you've told me about yourselves

I love surveys - it's been great hearing from you folks. One survey that I've run since I started this blog about three months ago was a "Tell me about yourself" survey. Here's what I got:
Visitors were friends of Roopa, from the USA mostly, and many were moms looking for ideas.

Tell me more about what you want to see on this blog (vote at the survey to the right), and I'll see what I can do for you!


Andrew said…
I'm too late for the poll, but I'm a friend of Roopa. Roopa, one polling option you might like is:
Majik Widget:
It's free and doesn't have any ads (unless you count Guy Kawasaki's shameless self promotion)
I love the blog, Becky and I might have to try dhosas at home.
roopaonline said…
Thnaks, Andrew - nice widgets.
I've tried the ratings widget -- let's see what usage it gets!