Every so often, the hubby and I have civilized differences of opinion that end with, "Well dear, we'll just have to see how this works out." (Our version of "Ok, let's agree to disagree"!!) This week, we gently disagreed around the children's access to the fridge. It was brought to focus when we visited our pals H&U, who have a child-proofed fridge. In our place, our guys will, once in a while, pop into the kitchen to see what they want for a snack or a drink. My approach is to not really stock anything I don't think the kids should have AND/ OR make the rules really clear. So today, I insisted that they had to finish dinner and eat their grapes before they got hold of the Dibs (ice cream) -- and D&K were good about sticking with the rules. Once they were done with the grapes, though, they ran in, pulled out the Dibs, counted out their quota (I set it arbitrarily at 8) and were happy as ever.
Tell me what you think!
but no, snacks are strictly rationed and time bound and the kids have a honour system on it, and it usually works
till i break it by bringing chocolates home
In any case, as someone who lacks his own internal governor at times, may be a lock should be put on it for ME!
yes to not having things in the fridge that you don't want them eating -
yes to keeping the junk food (dibs included) as a "fun trip outside" type of thing - trip to dunkin donuts as a treat, trip to ice cream shop, etc etc.
Just found your blog! Ok, I'm impressed! Where to start? Cooking at 5am, getting kids to eat veggies & spicy food, writing a blog while working full time, raising twins, and cooking at 5am...! Copied a few of your recipes to try! Yumm.
As for the refrigerator lock. We don't have one, but the kids know that we choose when to offer food. Snacky stuff is on a high shelf. E enjoys meals and many foods, but A would survive on pretzels and water if we let her!
Hats off to you!
p.s. Great pic too!