D whips up a smoothie

D (my daughter) was helping me around the kitchen this morning, putting away the dishes I took out of the dishwasher. When I pulled out the blender bowl, she announced that she wanted to make a milkshake. After some discussion around why her idea of a grape milkshake might not work, we settled on a banana-strawberry-blueberry milkshake. I set up the blender, with the usual cautionary stories on why hands didn't belong in the blender bowl, etc. With that, I set her up with the ingredients and she set to work.

Beginners Fruit Milkshake (Smoothie)
One medium banana
Four Strawberries
One cup Blueberries
Two tsps sugar
Three-fourths cup 2% milk
One peeled apple
One cup shredded iced
  • D started by putting in the banana, having broken it into a couple of peices. With some help getting the leaves off the strawberry, she used a childrens butter knife to cut the strawberries and toss them on top of the bananas. The follwed the cup of blueberries. Finally, toss in cubed, peeled apples.
  • Pour in the milk, with as little poured on the counter, kitchen floor and yourself!
  • Top off the whole thing with the ice and sugar, then hit blend (the only button on our blender that starts with B)

Durga proceeded to pur out the resulting milkshake into four cups, and serve the family! I'm happy to announce that very little landed on the floor! More importantly, I was thrilled to see how normal it felt to D to be creating in the kitchen -- and ensuring that all four of us tried her handiwork.


Rishi Sampat said…
I came across this today:
This is how I make a smoothie.
1 serving flaxseed (Costco - fiber+ Omega3)
2 tbs olive oil
1 serving whey Protein
Brocolli (yes!)

No need for sugar..